How I learned NextJs in a day

How I learned NextJs in a day

I simply learned how to use Nextjs in a day by following their official interactive course, I fell in love with Nextjs because it's pretty easy to set up and it's built for production and I'll try to use Nextjs as much as I can. after learning nextjs I made my portfolio website using nextjs.

Nextjs is Reactjs framework that makes working with ReactJs easier and faster because it ships with tons of unique features like

  • Prerendering your pages by default
  • Image Optimization
  • Built-in file system routing
  • API routes provide a solution to build your API with Next.js.
  • Built-In CSS Support and much more.

If you are already familiar with ReactJs, I recommend you try using Nextjs. It would make coding so much easier and also make the online presence, SEO-wise, faster and better for whatever web app you are building. I will be writing more about Nextjs in the future but for now thanks for reading my article.